"Can you go in and look at them if they're in a dish? Can you put them back after you take them out? Do you still remember them, in your head, when they are in there?"
"You can go in and look at them in a dish - oh, that's another thing the Pensieve does, though: stabilizing spells to make entry and exit a little less rocky and ensure the vessel doesn't break when you come out. You can put them back after you take them out, no matter where you put them. How much of the memory stays in your head depends on how good you are at pulling them and whether or not you want it to; if you're not very good, it'll still be there, just with most of the detail faded. If you're good and you want to, you can pull one out completely or copy it without affecting the original at all."
"Okay," says Bella. There are certainly other things she can learn in that time. "Thank you for explaining."