"He break door!" exclaims Pen plaintively. "He be in nice bar, and he go, then door break!"
"I broke the door? I did not break the door," says John. "And there's not much I could do about it if I had. I only get them once a year."
"I don't know! I didn't do anything to it!" he says. "I just went out like I always do."
"Well, door broke. Now I stuck till Mommy or Daddy or one them finds me. This one not count." She waves at Cindy.
"Yep," he says. "Apparently there's a bunch of me and one of 'em has four kids. She's the littlest." He addresses Pen. "Do you still wanna put Johnny on the brainphone even though he maybe broke your magic door?"
Assuming they're all still alive by that point, which is not really an assumption he's willing to make, but he doesn't see much point in making that part explicit.
"What it sounds like. Handy way to keep in touch, 'cause you can be damn sure nobody's listening," says the Joker.
"...Okay," he says. "And you can only - brainphone - people who have it? And," he looks between Pen and the Joker and settles on Pen, "you're the only one here who can give it to people?"
He looks at the Joker again, then at Pen. Pen, Joker. Joker, Pen.
He decides after a final look that the chance of the Joker not knowing what he's thinking is negligible.
"...I'm wondering if you're okay with him or if I should find somebody else to take care of you," he says.
"I find him. On purpose. He one Daddy, here hasn't one Mommy, checked that." says Pen. "Makes waffles!"