"You tell me, Johnny." He tugs on the lapels of his suit jacket, straightening them. "'Cause if you're gonna threaten me..." He grins. "Better be sure you mean it!"
"I wasn't threatening you," he says, controlling the urge to raise his hands placatingly; he doubts the Joker would appreciate it. "I was just making sure you know where we stand."
"Suuuure," he says. "I make you uncomfortable, you start talking about when you would hypothetically shoot me." He sniffs and straightens his jacket again. "Typical."
He discards several responses that amount to 'you started it', because that seems like it would be really unhelpful right now, and is left with...
"You're right," he says—reluctantly, but he says it. "I was out of line."
It's... he feels like 'adorable' should definitely not be the right word, but it kind of is.
"What?" he says, amused. "Don't tell me you were expecting all serious all the time. Not from the Joker."
"Okay, no," John concedes. "That would clearly be too much to ask. You know," he adds, while they're on the subject, "I used to think at least some of it was an act."
At last: "I've definitely lost all illusions about your sense of humour."
"You're funny," the Joker accuses, grinning broadly. "On purpose! That is a rare distinction."
Caught up in the interplay, he asks without fully considering the consequences, "Do I get a prize?"
...well that is not a direction he expected this conversation to go. Although maybe he should have. Unless he's imagining things? No, he is not imagining 'honey', and he's not imagining that smile, either. Should he say something? He probably should have said something several seconds ago.