Pen shrugs. She remembers Harley's name and writes it on his line.
Pen thinks, then says, "No! You be Cindy." She writes it on the line designated for this very newest Joker.
Pen bounces happily. Then she starts trying to spell Brilliance's name. (The closest she gets is "Birlans".)
"Brillance?" It's not quite right. "Brill-ee-ance. Like that."
"Brilliance! Cute name," he says. "Wonder where he got it. Want me to write it down for you?"
Pen crosses out the misspellings and underlines the correct version. She resumes trying to remember Joker names.
"He from Jane-breaker place. Some not-mortal kind, no clothes. He magic black box thing Jellybean put though so is okay."
"Dragon and mostly animal souls and sometime Brilliance when not mortal shape, them too. Always this one you though. He a funny real name. All sunshiney. Don't remember nickname."
"I not say it, though, can't. Elspeth can! And his one Mommy."
"She cousinoid. Golden's one. Her daddy not a daddy one, somebody else, I not met him."
"So a cousinoid is somebody who's got one parent that's one of yours, but not both?" he guesses.
"Yeah. Glass got three small princesses, they cousinoids too."
"Vampire. Name was - um - oh, yeah, is Nathan. Almost like Uncle Nathaniel, different template though."