It is only fair at this point for Tony to take off his shirt too! So he does. And then he kinda sorta pounces.
It's not like Ripper was previously unaware that he is really hot, but everyone here is so delighted about it, he is gaining a whole new appreciation. He makes a mental note to definitely say yes if any more Tonies want to make out with him, in case it's a template thing.
Soph is certainly really pleased! Alas, there aren't more of her around to partake.
One Soph is enough for all their purposes at the moment. And wow, her boyfriend knows how to kiss.
Did Bella really have issues about this, what issues, sharing is fun.
Mmmmmmm shirtless kisses. The shirtless part is important. Both for immediate makeout-related reasons (skin!) and because Tony and Soph seem to really like that Ripper is shirtless, and Ripper really likes when that happens.
Soph definitely really likes all the hot-boy-shirtlessness going on around here!
Soph can be heard giggling softly to herself from her beanbag vantage point occasionally. It's difficult to actually catch her peeking for more than a moment, but she presumably is staring to her heart's content when neither of them is looking right at her.
Tony hardly looks. On account of he is busy. Happily, happily busy.
Ripper, once he has glanced over a few times, also stops looking. Because if she only looks at them when they are not looking at her, then clearly he should just let her get on with it! Also, kissing Tony occupies a lot of attention. He's just so kissable. And so happy about it. Mmmmmmmmm.
"Eeeee," giggles Soph quietly. (She doesn't want to distract them from what they're doing.)
Yaaaaay! Carry on making out, hot boys, Soph will just be over here grinning till her cheeks hurt!
So during one of the inevitable lulls, in which Tony is sprawled contentedly about 30% on pillows to 70% on Ripper, he lifts his head from Ripper's shoulder and says, "We should totally make a pillow fort."