"Oh. One of those coin things. You have those? Well - all right. As long as my real soul stays where it belongs."
"I'm not sure what that is, but it's really cute," she says.
"We both have round, cute things," laughs Shura.
"What, no!" exclaims Shura. "Ew! You're not a witch, so you'd have to keep him with you all the time. You could carry him or he'd sit on your shoulder or maybe he'd be fast enough to just follow you around. Daemons aren't pets."
"Witches can go far from their daemons, which is lucky for me because mine is a six-foot-tall bird," says Helen. "I'd barely be able to go indoors if Kal had to stay close like most daemons do."
"Yeah, Kalavar's a giant. Nicoa's more travel-sized," says Shura.
"...Is her dad another of Micaiah?"
"...Maybe? I don't know who Micaiah is."
"Isabella Amariah in our world is this legendary figure who went missing for like half a century before we were even born," says Shura.
"Oh. In my world she's going to be the Archangel in a couple of years, and Micaiah the angelico."
"Well, er -" Serah peers at the witches' arms, sees no Kisses, and rolls up her sleeve. "We get these, when we're babies," she says. "And they say that when they light up it means you've found your true love. When Isabella and Micaiah met theirs were glowing like falling stars and he looked at her like she was the whole world."
"And soon enough she had made sure that if she was going to be Archangel he was going to be angelico, and they got pregnant, and married - I planned the wedding and it was beautiful if I do say so myself. And then they had a little angel baby who looked just like you, and then three more."
"I have no idea. I don't know how any of this works," shrugs Serah.
Peninnah has been wandering around aimlessly when she sees someone she recognizes. She makes her way up to Serah and hugs her leg.
"Hi, Pen'," Serah says, petting the little angel's hair. "This one is number four. Are there more of her too?"