"I wouldn't know, I don't know anybody with a soul animal besides you and I don't have any alts and I'm not going to. They all look the same, more or less, why wouldn't their souls all look the same too if you can see them?"
"Well... because what your soul looks like is different from what you look like," says Helen. "Maybe there's some people whose alts would have the same daemons. I don't know that many people with alts who've checked."
"Being different people, I guess," she says. "Your daemon's shape means something about you, but it's not always clear what."
"I'm the only person I've ever heard of with a teratorn. I think it means I'm peculiar."
She gets...
A piano bear.
She laughs.
"I'm not really sure," she says. "Mostly I don't, but every so often something just makes sense. And there are all these things people say about what different daemons mean, but I've seen them be wrong as often as they aren't."
"I was going to look at someone's daemon for inspiration, but of course there aren't any—oh, hey, I think that's an alt of my friend Shura!" She sits up straighter on her cloud-pine and peers.
It does rather look like an alt of her friend Shura! She is standing around, holding a glass of wine, looking distinctly unwitchy both in visible age and in clothing choices and lack of bird. She seems to find the party a bit overwhelming.
Now thoroughly distracted, Helen directs her cloud-pine over thataway. Perhaps Shura's mystery alt is wearing a nametag!
She double-takes when she sees Helen. "Dama- no, you're not, are you."
"I know," she confesses. "We've met. I'm Helen Ianthe. I think I know an alt of yours!"
"I didn't know I was supposed to have any, I'm only here because Isabella - I refuse to call her 'Angela', it's ridiculous, we've been best friends our whole lives - invited me."