"I like just plain magic flying best, I think. It just sort of works without being all complicated."
"What is that, by the way? It looks like a tiny panda," says Helen. "A really adorable tiny panda. In a really adorable tiny waistcoat."
"This is Keys! He is my piano bear. I made him the waistcoat so he would be able to get dressed up for the party, too." (Kiawen is in a pretty princess dress being a pretty princess.) "Piano bears are from the Gentle Cave, like fluffbats -" She waves at Sunrise. "And poofs. Carinna has a poof."
"A couple of people have taken poofs home with them who don't even live in Chronicle. This is because poofs are obviously best."
"Yeah, she's Kas's daemon. All Joker daemons can change," says Helen. "There's something like four of them now."
"Because they're peculiar!" says Helen. "I don't know. Usually daemons change when you're little, and then settle into something when you grow up, something that suits who you are. Jokers just... don't ever settle. It makes sense to me but I don't know if that's just because I grew up with Kas and Petaal around being themselves all the time."
"Huh. Bella, our one, checked what she'd have if she had a daemon. She got a kind of flying squirrel."
"Well... because alts aren't all the same," says Helen. "I have alts and they're like me but they're not... me. And not me enough to have teratorn daemons, apparently."