"No shortage," laughs Cam, pausing briefly in nibbles for some repositioning. Then he resumes. Nibble nibble.
Although he will observe: [We are both wearing shirts. Does that seem right to you?]
Ike supports this decision fully! Or he would, if he knew Cam had made it. He is definitely pleased about both the outcome and the process, anyway. Also it has been a long time since he has kissed Cam, and he is going to fix that now.
(Ike's ribs are indeed angled funny, and his spine is human in general curvature but not in the shape or placement of individual vertebrae. It's not something you'd notice with his shirt on, but it's pretty obvious now. He is mostly not self-conscious about it; it's not like the fact that he's part demon is news.)
Cam has an only-mildly-academic interest in all these shapes. He will investigate them a little.
Ike gets kind of squirmy when thusly investigated! But in a good way. With grinning.
That is good. Cam does check periodically to make sure that the squirms are good squirms.
Eventually there is a natural lull in the proceedings during which the snuggle to nibble ratio is rather high.
"Have you formed an idea what you wanna do here?" Cam inquires lightly, putting a lock of hair behind Ike's ear.
"Not exactly..." says Ike. "I mean, I definitely have a general idea, but I am lacking in specific ones."
"It involves the same broad category of thing that we have been doing for the last... hour or so? I have completely lost track of time."