Ike takes the greatly daring step of kissing Cam on his own initiative after they have closed the door.
That is great! Cam, of course, kisses him back, because what else is he supposed to do with a cute boy who kisses him?
Oh could he? Do many things? For example, could he resume that hug? With a view to no longer being in public, even?
Snuggliness is best. Cam approves. They should sit down. There is a bed to sit on. Cam sits on it, tugging Ike gently after him.
[D'you have an idea of where you want this to go?] he inquires lightly, after this has been going on for awhile and he's made some use of his ability to do without oxygen.
[D'you have an idea of where you want this to go?] he inquires lightly, after this has been going on for awhile and he's made some use of his ability to do without oxygen.
[I haven't been thinking about it particularly,] he says. [Because of kisses. They are highly distracting.]
[Mmm, they can do that, it's true.]
Is it less distracting if Cam starts kissing Ike on the neck instead?
Is it less distracting if Cam starts kissing Ike on the neck instead?
It causes him to squeak! And then no it is even more distracting. And nice. Extremely nice.
Nibble nibble kisses.
Cam is arranging to be in a position where at least one of his hands might notice that Ike's ribs are angled funny, but at least this won't come as a surprise.
Cam is arranging to be in a position where at least one of his hands might notice that Ike's ribs are angled funny, but at least this won't come as a surprise.
If Cam's hands wind up in a position to notice that, Ike is very likely to squeak! He seems to do that a lot.
"Yes," he giggles. "That was a good squeak. Well, a surprised squeak, but it's a nice surprise!"
Om nom nom Ike.
[Lemme know if you want me to stop distracting you so you can answer more complex questions.]
Om nom nom Ike.
[Lemme know if you want me to stop distracting you so you can answer more complex questions.]