He shrugs. "Not very many things are really insoluble if you are clever and have flexible parameters!"
"Excellent," says Cam, "that's very convenient."
Ike is shorter than he is, so Cam just leans right down and kisses him.
Ike is shorter than he is, so Cam just leans right down and kisses him.
Giggles can be a bad sign, but in this case Ike tentatively concludes that they are okay.
Kisses. Kisses are nice. Cam is so pretty. Also he is very kissable.
Kisses. Kisses are nice. Cam is so pretty. Also he is very kissable.
Cam is pretty and kissable and nice! Ike is also those things.
This kiss should be accompanied by more of a hug. The one of Cam's arms that is not attached on one end to Ike's hand participates in bringing this about.
This kiss should be accompanied by more of a hug. The one of Cam's arms that is not attached on one end to Ike's hand participates in bringing this about.
A hug! Hugs are nice too. Ike squeaks, but it is a delighted sort of squeak. And he hugs back.
[You are adorable.]
(This particular use of the brainphone is a large fraction of its use cases, really.)
(This particular use of the brainphone is a large fraction of its use cases, really.)
They could.
[So do you prefer this display of affection public? Because there are less-public rooms available in the space plant.]
[So do you prefer this display of affection public? Because there are less-public rooms available in the space plant.]
Ike considers this!
He says [Hmm,] and disengages from kisses so he can think about it properly.
And then he says: "Yes I think that is a great idea."
He says [Hmm,] and disengages from kisses so he can think about it properly.
And then he says: "Yes I think that is a great idea."
"I wonder if the space plant knows where to send us. Hey, space plant, where is an unoccupied room with a door?"
"Excellent." And Cam drapes an arm around Ike's shoulders and follows the space plant's directions.