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"Who's that?"


"Shaw's telepath."


"Someday I wanna read this whole history."


"I dunno if I can tell you all of it, but I bet I could come close."


"Go for it."


"When Daddy was fourteen he and his parents got caught and brought to the death camps and they separate the men and women there so they were taking Daddy away from his Mom and he was fighting and yelling and he manifested his powers--not everyone's born with it, some people don't develop their powers until, like, puberty--and there was this evil doctor in the camp, and it was Shaw, only he was calling himself Schmidt at the time, and he pretended to be nice and he asked Daddy to use his magnetism on this one coin only he couldn't so he brought in Gramma and he said he'd shoot her if Daddy didn't move the coin and he couldn't so he did and when she was dead he was so mad he made all the metal in the room fly around and killed the guards who brought her in with their own helmets so Shaw was all like, 'aha, the key to unlocking your abilities is pain and anger' so he hurt him until years later when he escaped and he went for revenge and he found Nazis who would know where he was and he got information and then he killed them and eventually he found him, only he had other mutants with him, then, Emma Frost who could turn into living diamond and was a telepath only not as strong a one as Papa and Azazel who's red and can teleport and Janos who does wind stuff and they were on a boat, and Shaw was doing other evil stuff as a prelude to killing everyone so the government was after him too, and they sent Agent Moira McTaggert, who saw what they were doing and tracked down Papa because he was a geneticist who had theorized that people like that could happen, only he knew it could happen 'cause he was a mutant too, and his adopted sister Aunt Raven, who's blue and super pretty and can shapeshift, and McTaggert and Papa and Aunt Raven were on one boat and Shaw and his lackeys were on a different boat, and Daddy attacked Shaw but he got in a submarine and got away and Daddy tried to cling to the submarine so he wouldn't but Papa saw he was there and his mind was beautiful so he jumped in the water and convinced him to let go and come with him. And then they met Dr. McCoy, who works for the government too, and he invented Cerebro, which is a telepathic amplifier, and that let Papa find other mutants 'cause our brains feel different, and Papa and Daddy went on a road trip recruiting people, and they got Darwin and Alex and Angel and Sean Cassidy, and then they got a lead that Shaw was in Russia, so Papa and Daddy and Agent McTaggert went to go find him, only it was just Emma Frost and Shaw and Janos and Azazel attacked the place where everyone was staying, and they killed a lot of government people and they convinced Angel to join them and Alex tried firing a plasma blast at Shaw only he caught it and force-fed it to Darwin who disintegrated and then when Papa and Daddy got back they were super mad and decided it wasn't safe there and they all went to Papa's house, which is super huge, and they trained there and eventually they went after Shaw and Daddy put the coin that he killed Gramma over through his forehead but then the people Shaw was trying to goad into starting nuclear war shot missiles at them and Daddy was going to send them back at them but Papa said no and Agent McTaggert said no and he said yes so Agent McTaggert tried shooting him only he deflected the bullets but one of them hit Papa in the back so they were both super mad so they said some bad stuff and Daddy went away for a while and Papa has to be in a wheelchair only Daddy came back when he and Papa found out about Emily an' me and they were super mad for a while until they finally talked about stuff and what they actually meant when they said bad stuff and they were find by the time me an' Emily were born except Papa's still in a wheelchair."



What do you mean found out about Emily and you?"


"They didn't know we could happen before we did," she reminds him. "We were a surprise."


"Suppose I probably don't wanna ask how. Hey, betcha Odette can fix your Papa. She grew Nelyo's hand back."


"What, really? ...Who's Nelyo?"


"Maedhros? My brother don't-mindread?"


"Oh him. Why did she have to grow his arm back? Can she really fix Papa? He's on the other side of this door; can she teleport?"


"Not yet but at this rate she'll be able to pretty soon, and I think if you hold the door open it's safe? If he's within a couple dozen miles she or I could also try reaching him with osanwe, ask him to come here."


"No I mean I was going into the room he's in when the door got stolen."


"Oh. Huh. Does that room have any other doors?"


"I don't think so."


"Maybe it'll have to wait on teleportation then. I don't know how close she is."


"Maybe she can bust a hole in the wall and fix it after."


"Your Papa wouldn't be angry?"


"Not if it meant she could fix him. Besides, he's a telepath, walls don't block it, she can ask first."


"Hey! Odette! Want to unparalyze kiddo's version of your father?"




Dude's in a wheelchair with a spine injury. Seems like a thing for the nearby Sympathy specialist.


I guess that would be a natural consequence of no healers, argh. Yeah, I'll pop in her world and fix it. She descends.


"Thank you, love!"

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