By tradition, nearly all clerics of Cayden Cailean have one of two professions, and in Cheliax anyone who kept a bar and seemed even the least bit Good or magical was under suspicion. Further, he is the god of bravery (some might say recklessness, and the very unkind would say stupidity), and bravery wasn't a trait much rewarded in Cheliax even among those who weren't altruistically inclined, which nearly all of Cayden Cailean's clerics were.

Which is to say that most clerics of Cayden Cailean in Cheliax are, not to put too fine a point on it, dead. 

But Cayden Cailean still keeps an eye on those he considers his followers in Cheliax and in Nidal and in Razmiran-- whether they know themselves to be his followers or not. Sometimes he sends them dreams, to give them hope, to let them know that the world can be better than this. 

And he likes Elie Contonnet.  

So one morning a recent wizard school graduate wakes up from a very nice dream with a cleric circle, a splitting headache, and the message resounding in her head: YOU ARE A DELEGATE TO THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION