"In theory I should remember what it was like not to want to show up to a party going, 'Look at what I did! Look at what cool stuff I have! Look at how totally together my personal life is! Look at what clever ideas I have had! Am I not an excellent example of this thing we all are? Beat that!', but the things I did before this kicked in were relatively less interesting."
"And at the same time we copy off each other a lot, because, one, we actually care about achieving the ends of our various projects and not nearly as much about doing them in original ways so tested solutions are good, and two, because there would be way less point in trying to impress each other if we did not in fact flatter each other with imitation when we do cool stuff, so we are being cooperative."
"Interesting," he says. "When Tonies get competitive, they try to outdo the results without directly copying the methods. But not for some particular end as much as just to say that they could. I'm sure if one day we found an urgent reason why every Tony has to have a suit of flying armour by approximately yesterday, they'd jump to it just like they did for installing a Jarvis in Chronicle. But until then, they're each fiddling with it separately for the bragging rights."
"It also allows us to sort of skip ahead for more interesting challenges that haven't been done yet. I'm not doing this so much since nobell else has my particular cornucopia of population segments to handle, but, like, Pattern's got farther than anyone else now on the 'colonize space, be a Good Samaritan to a basically standard Earth' strategy, so I bet Stella and Aurora and Cam crib her notes, see if they can do it faster and tidier and with niftier stylistic curlicues, and then when they're caught up they're on a level playing field."
"Right. Which is all noise to me, because Sherlocks don't seem to have a drive for material accomplishments."
Meanwhile, in Aurum, "So now there's an extra Sue. It just keeps getting harder to count you all, babe."
"Mm, not sorry," the Joker says cheerfully. "Good for Sues, anyway. It's a nice trick, don't you think?"
"The forking? I don't know, didn't do that part on purpose myself, but sounds like it'll suit their little problem to a T."
"I hope War doesn't get lonely," he murmurs. "Remind me to go give him a hug sometime."
Ooh, kisses! Nathan likes those. (The Joker has probably figured that out. It is not a well-kept secret.)