Bella teleports to where Sherlock is and flops down somewhat lapward. "Just checking," she says, "if I disappeared for several decades I would not come home to an unexpected alt of Carinna, right?"
It goes on being adorable. "Sprinkles. Cran-apple. Rug."
An Olympic vole would surely be interesting. He isn't sure how the goosedown plays into it. Perhaps the vole is a swimmer and needs to be dried off and snuggled back to comfortable warmth after a race.
Steph hops up onto the back of the couch.
Steph walks along the back of the couch, climbs down onto the armrest, and curls up next to Sherlock's head.
She is starting some other word that begins with M when she shifts and yawns and opens her eyes, then squints against the Stephglow. "Oh, hi," she murmurs.
"That's good. Well, it's not bad, at least." Bella closes her eyes and chooses a pastwatching viewpoint from a moment ago above herself and Sherlock and Steph so she knows where it's safe to move, where she won't touch the glowing genet; and then she repositions.
Snuggles. Existence. Both are good things. Bella mentally picks up her attempt to decipher the coy, oblique style of the author of the most recent demonology text she read.