When Tony returns to the Sunshine Janepoint, Soph is there, sitting in a beanbag, midsentence with Jane. "- always seemed to. Hi, Tony!"
"I think I was ten the first time I went to one," says Damaris. "All of the Jokers hugged me."
"I am slightly expecting to be surrounded by curious Tonies, but I don't think they will insist on hugging me."
"That sound so adorable, I'm totally doing that if they flock around me in groups exceeding three."
"Uh..." Soph starts ticking off fingers. "There's mine. There's Shell Bell's one. There's Glass's one. There's the one who's older than the other ones. And there's two other ones. So six total."
"Very precise," laughs Helen. "The Tonies are the ones who don't nickname easily, right?"
"Yeah, they just figured things out based on coin colors. Some of the Sherlocks did that too. My Tony is 'Red'."
"I wonder if there'll be ever be more of me or if I'm a one-off because of the magic artifact thing. Maybe Glass will know."
"Yyyyeah, there is one of those, but not the same way I don't think. I wasn't made to be a magic artifact, I was made from one."
"I dunno, maybe he wants to start a Magic Artifacts Club. Jane can join now, they gave her a body that's the same kind of thing as him."