When Tony returns to the Sunshine Janepoint, Soph is there, sitting in a beanbag, midsentence with Jane. "- always seemed to. Hi, Tony!"
It's possible that kisses should be had somewhere other than the Janepoint, but meh.
If he has any other ideas they might need to move.
There are three people here. Only one of them looks thirteen, though, and one of the others has wings. "Um, hi," she says.
"I'm Soph. I'm - Juliet's - sister. I thought I would come, um, meet the other Spontaneous Teenage Relative, that seems to be what we are being called now?" She waves at Helen. "But I haven't met you guys before either - I'm sorry I can't remember your names."
"So I'm not the same kind of spontaneous, but basically some people wanted to hide a magical artifact where it would be safe and they thought the best way to do that would be to turn it into the little sister of the mysteriously immortal ex-Slayer with spooky magical powers. Only, the opacity thing, so she had no idea why there were suddenly bunk beds and didn't really take it well."
"I got teleported to Canada and interrogated, she thought I might be a demon or something, which, kinda fair, there are a lot of those at home. It was not the best day."
"Yseult is twenty-two," says Helen, "and she's sort of your niece in an interdimensional way. That's kind of weird. But I don't think it's weird about you, necessarily, it's just - a peculiarity."
"People can have aunts who are younger than them even without interdimensional time weirdness."