When Tony returns to the Sunshine Janepoint, Soph is there, sitting in a beanbag, midsentence with Jane. "- always seemed to. Hi, Tony!"
"And she lives in the Belltower on a shelf collecting dust. She didn't really want a body for its own sake."
"I bet he would if someone had carelessly wandered his soul-or-something into Materia," says Jane. "Bleah."
"I am actually not so sure," says Tony. "They're really not into that. The closest they get is Malibu installing on the Iron Man suits."
"That reminds me, Materia has an aware building in it. I don't know if she's remotely like Jarvis or me though."
"I'm guessing she's not that much like you guys if she's from Materia. I mean - implementation-wise."
"Well, yeah, I don't think we can talk to her unless Aether translates, but in terms of being a building."
"I'm a network. Also now a Device, but it doesn't feel special compared to any of my points or gems. I can operate buildings just fine given the hardware though. I'm more like a building than I am like a human, it's natural to be - distributed over multiple places, for me."
"Hey, I don't mind being called upon for my practical usefulness, but it's kinda nice to know that I never picked you up and put you down and you missed me anyhow."