When Tony returns to the Sunshine Janepoint, Soph is there, sitting in a beanbag, midsentence with Jane. "- always seemed to. Hi, Tony!"
[I'm gonna go to my first Bellparty soon and I'm kinda nervous about that,] she informs him as kisses proceed.
['Cause - Bella made sure none of the others would remember me existing, so they won't, but I'm not some - new friend Bella made and is bringing along, so that's weird.]
[Uh - they have orgy chambers?] He giggles. "Sorry, I swear that's not their only feature, but it does kind of spring to mind."
"Extremely! Also kind of a misnomer, actually, they don't tend to be orgies so much as giant cuddlepiles with maybe some people having sex occasionally. Well, maybe the Jokers have orgies."
"Sounds cuddly and occasionally sexy. Wow, that sounds like the most stoned weather forecast ever."
"Yeah! Jane says she might do the memories-she-would-have-had thing except she wants to 'refactor a few yottabytes'."
"I am a big Jane," says Jane, "and that thing that knocked me out did it very thoroughly."
"Very. Brilliance put me in a Device body, and when I'm not making it be human shaped, it is a jewel. And I can glitter. Also float."