When Tony returns to the Sunshine Janepoint, Soph is there, sitting in a beanbag, midsentence with Jane. "- always seemed to. Hi, Tony!"
"Sherlock did get rid of Steph for a while," says Soph. "...Should I not have said that, is that horrible to say?"
"That's good?" she says. "I guess? I'm torn between wanting to know why he did it in the first place and - not actually wanting to know that ever."
"I don't know the whole story but I have the general idea. Anyway. Hey, is it weird that you all have different numbers of little sisters but you know they'd line up? I don't even know what would happen if somebody else's version of Mom and Dad decided to have another kid, if it'd be a me, but if it would be a me I don't know how I'd feel about that."
"I don't think it is very weird," says Yseult. "I don't think any of us had met Ariel when Maman and Papa had Hyacinthe, though. Perhaps it would be different if we had."
"Jane said Samaria was out six years so probably the littler cherubs are partygoing age now?"
"Is it offensive or anything to say cherubs, rosebuds, etcetera? That's just how Bella collectivizes you guys with the sisters."
"Amariah's nickname doesn't really suggest anything the way 'Angela' and 'Rose' do," hums Soph thoughtfully.
"It's weird that they're all named after their Bell, anyway," says Helen. "Most people have multiple parents. Aren't Rose and Beast's kids really more like - rosecubs?"
"...Demigod? I dunno, is the thing they call Amariah that the Alethia title department needs to be fired for also supposed to be a kind of god, because then you wouldn't be very demi-..."
"I am okay with being a demigod," she decides. "And an etcetera. I don't think people have deified my secret mom; not explicitly, anyway. Maybe I'm a - something about myths? Because one of my parents is a legendary figure and the other one's named after a goddess? Well, Amariah is the name of a goddess too, but she didn't call her daemon Lytess or anything, it's not quite the same."