When Tony returns to the Sunshine Janepoint, Soph is there, sitting in a beanbag, midsentence with Jane. "- always seemed to. Hi, Tony!"
"Yeah, when I ride Kalavar I have to kind of - flop on her," says Helen. "But it's not hard, because she's taller than I am."
"Like - lie on her back with my arms around her neck," she says. "Because I can't really sit on her without kicking her wings."
"I fly around sometimes but just by magic. I like it but not nearly as much as Bella does."
"I don't think I would like flying with magic nearly as much as I like flying with my wings."
"Helen likes flying on her daemon, and Damaris likes flying with her wings, and I don't like flying very much," she explains. "So I think that we might not like flying with just magic very much."
"I like flying my cloud-pine," Helen muses. "But you're right. Plain old magic flying doesn't sound nearly as fun."
"I mean, it's a useful way to move around occasionally, and I like not having to have a stepladder," says Soph. "But teleporting is better if I'm really in a hurry and I still like hopping in a car with Tony. He has nifty cars."
"I don't think I've ever been in a car I'd describe as 'nifty'," says Helen. "What's nifty about them?"
"One of them has the driver's seat in the middle," Soph says. "And they're shiny and just - cool." She peers at the other Dominiques. "Do you not know cars? I guess you don't know cars."
"I don't know cool cars," says Damaris. "Cars are loud and ugly and give off noxious smells. I wouldn't ride in one for all the pastries a small village could give me."
"Ancient," says Helen. "Even I can tell that and I barely know anything about cars. But I guess that makes sense; I'm something like sixty or seventy years ahead of you, aren't I?"