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Sid isekai to Iwami in order to try to develop Iwami as a setting
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They're clearly designed to be slick, fast, and easy, but there's a wiki-like link to get more context on each item. There's also a button to go back and edit your choices. All the questions are phrased as 'how much would you like X, from 1 to 9' or 'would you rather have X or Y'.

More personal vehicles? 

Preserving endangered species?

Expanding crop variety (more sugar, more fruits and veggies)? 

Living in a dense city vs a rural area?

Going through a STEM-focus education, vs an arts/civics-focus one? 

A global sports program ala the Olympics?

More access to 3D printed goods orders such as this custom-ergonomic chair?

Less time off work but more frequent travel for vacations, vs more time off work and less frequent travel for vacations?

Faster internet speeds?

More buildup of the military? (It's a pretty small one, compared to America's, if he looks at the statistics)

How cool/exciting are:

The New Kitsune Genome Project (attempting to translate all the comments that the Makers left in non-coding sections of the Kitsune genome)
The Royal Iwa Museum of Warfare (from antiquity to today!)
The Grand Park of Tsu (huge national park/arboretum situation)
The Arc of Unity (massive arch monument and art museum)
The Shen Launch Ramp (huge construction for launching stuff into space)


That's all it bugs him to complete, but he could optionally keep going, too. And there is a 'contact your local representatives' link, too.


Hmm... pass (Sid has no knowledge of the current state of personal vehicles), 3, 8, city, STEM, 1, 2, more time off, 3, pass (unclear why they have a military or what it's expected to be used for), 7, 2, 5, 1, 3. And he'll stop there.


"Well, that seems like a very characteristically Iwami way to do things, based on my impressions of Iwami so far."

Chak and Fei can see his answers if they want.


They will take a look, sure. "Yeah, I agree with you about the crops. Amaranth for every meal isn't that fun. It's why artificial flavoring is so common."

"The genome project is a joke," Opines Fei. "I don't want to know what the idiots who cursed us with these bodies thought about it."


"I told Tak this, but Earth has hundreds of edible food crops. You guys have no idea what you're missing out on."

"The genome project seems like a high-risk high-reward thing to me. The makers, and what they thought and were trying to do, seem like potentially a really important mystery. And I can't resist mysteries like that, I guess."

Is it almost dinnertime?


Not quite, but Chak will occupy the remaining few minutes inquiring about Earthly formal fashion. 

There's a Dinner Gong. People seem to swarm out of the woodwork of the hallway full of lounges, when it sounds. A long, low table has been set up near the edge of the big clear area on the first floor. Padded pillows for seats, not chairs. Everyone is sitting on one side of it. Mika is fussing over the buffet with Ayami, who has claimed the kitchen as her domain. There doesn't appear to be assigned seats. 


The dinner gong is very charming.

Sid takes a seat, preferably next to people he hasn't already talked to today.


...Sid notices someone new at the table. Dressed much more fancily and sitting in a very composed sort of way, with slow gentle movements and a neutral expression. Ka'do and Osal are fussing over him, arranging utensils and fetching drinks even as he tries to wave them off and tells a joke a bit too quiet to hear. He has four tails. They're bulky and obvious. Probably Witak, who Mika was talking to earlier. He's acting a bit like a grumpy old grandpa, for all that his face and body look just as young, toned, and fit as the others- Aside from the tails.


But in the shuffle for seats, he gets seated next to Jann, wearing rough looking steel wire wound around his tail, and Lyra, wearing a bright blue ribbon with two gently jingling bells tied around the curly tip. They sound gently with every motion she makes.

"I hope you're settling in okay," Lyra says. "I'm sure everyone has plenty of questions. Personally, I want to know how 'humans' raise children without large clans... But it can wait."

"If everyone waits to ask their questions, no questions ever actually get asked," opines Jann. "Sheesh, I don't get why people are treating this as some sort of disaster. It's great! I'm sure Sid will invent all sorts of amazing things! And we get a vacation and get to be the ones who gave him a warm welcome to Iwami. Your kiddos can wait a couple weeks, Lyra. Wouldn't want them to get sick, right?"

"No. But I still miss them. I'm worried how well they'll take a new nanny- I talked to Bai and they're going to ask for help from the neighbors. But will the new minders know exactly how Jula likes her milk prepared? What tone to use for Nalti's bedtime story?"

"They'll be fine. Kits are tough."

Lyra whaps Jann with her tail. He looks a tad puzzled and annoyed but doesn't say anything else.

Ayami, distinctive for wearing lots of black, starts passing out plates of food. It's a pasta arrangement with a sauce that tastes strongly of one of the savory veggies he had earlier, plus oils and a few bits of meat, a side of ?hash browns?, and a small bowl of also savory-smelling yellow soup. They use forks and spoons, though the forks have just two tines. The portions are pretty small, possibly because the Eternal Buffet is still available. Several people get up and grab more, at least.

And then Mika walks over to the clear area and waits for everyone to settle down and look at her.


Sid is actually settling in surprisingly well for it being his first day on an alien planet.

The pasta and hash browns are quite good, if carb-heavy. He looks for something fibrous to eat if it's available.

He lends Mika his full attention when she asks for it.


There's some vaguely guacamole-like fruit spread on a crunchy celery-ish (but slightly spicy??) vegetable of some sort, for 'fibrous'. Also a fruit with stringy, pulpy insides and not much sweetness, almost like an enormous bean.


Mika has a short speech. "I know several of us are a tad overwhelmed at the implications of meeting a live alien... And it is important we reach out and try to understand. For all that we appear to be getting along, there are greater worries circling about the situation. I've been trying to create a feeling of normalcy for everyone here to counter that. And dinner is part of that. We all know the custom, but our guest does not- I'd like everyone here to say one or two things about their day. It doesn't need to be deep or meaningful. It's just a way to make sure we have points of connection. And then Sid can too, if he wants. After that, Mori has promised us the first section of Winter of Ash, which will take about fifteen minutes. Dinner Plays are designed to be broken up into brief segments and usually done by just one or two actors, to be contemplated on until the next comes on the following night. And finally, anyone else who wishes to show or demonstrate something is welcome to."

People are eating idly during this little speech, attentive and quiet but not utterly focused on her.

She slaps the ground with her tail, a soft whup sound. "I am Mika. I've come to a realization this evening, that it's alright if I don't become an astronaut- That I was being selfish, and if I'm not the best candidate- It would be a disgrace to all those who build the rockets and the ground support staff and everyone else to try and force it anyway. I will be thinking on what to do with my life instead over the next couple of weeks."

People stand from their seats and speak up one at a time, announcing their names.

"Tak. There comes a moment in life where you just have to act and hesitating would be worse than taking the wrong action. I firmly believe today was such a day. That's all."

"Ayami. I'm glad I get a whole kitchen to myself and can cook what I want, organized how I like it. It's nice to be in charge of something unambiguously. I love baking complicated pastries, so now I can make 'em without anyone bugging me about nutrients, nyehe!"

"I'm Witak," the four-tailed newcomer says, standing with obvious strain at the unwieldy mass of tail behind him. "I imagine our guest has a lot of questions. I imagine myself at least a teensy bit wise with my accumulated years. I'm looking forward to answering them as best I can, if asked. And I'll make sure everything that needs doing gets done- No need to worry, and Mika can relax a tad more tomorrow!"

There's a round of chuckling.

"Fei! I can't say anything else besides how unbelievably exciting it is to meet a real-live alien! I've ordered several bellows instruments from Goods since I think Earth does not have things quite like them. They're expected to come tomorrow, and I can show them to Sid. Looking forward to it!"

"To'ke. Call me Teko instead, I hate the stop in my name. I didn't bother Sid since Mika asked us not to but at some point, I'm really curious about Earth's oceanic life and how it might differ from Iwami's. The largest known creatures on Iwami are found in the oceans. Are such titans present on Earth too?"

"Pena. I've been thinking about the common tropes of video games today, and how they reflect what society values. Naturally, clan-building and colony-building games are extremely popular, but we also have exploration games, combat games, and dozens of other genres. I don't think we can necessarily say video games reflect society's soul or whatever, a lot of them are just fun!"

"Jann! Today was really fun, especially before the alien showed up! I know we weren't supposed to but the fox is out of his pen- Playing in the old slag hills was really fun! That mixture of adventure, forbidden thrill, and the simple physical joy of sledding and swimming. It was a day I'll remember for a long time even without all the alien stuff. I love you guys."

"I'm Lyra and I'm going to miss the main clan house. It feels too quiet here, without small children crying for attention or running around and playing..."

"Maki. Uh, I'm going back on birth control pills for however long we're in quarantine- Do we know that yet? I don't want to do ANYTHING at all that might hurt a baby!"

"Osal." Her voice is very quiet. "I always just talk about the book I'm reading today. It's a fantasy story. The main character has terraforming powers that create magic weather and new plants and stuff... They're using it stupidly. Like a weapon, not a resource. I'm gonna drop this book."

"I'm Mori. I considered several different plays, but you know what they say, the actress's whim is as the dancing breeze. Winter of Ash is just calling to me."

"Chak. I hope to talk about Earth fashion a lot more in the coming days and even make some examples for myself and everyone else. It'll be fun."

"...Ka'do. People talk too much at these things. The pancakes are really good. Thanks, Ayami."


'Greater worries'? Ominous.

...Hopefully Fei has not picked up a misconception about the amount of musical talent he actually has.

"I'm Sid. Today I got hit by a truck and woke up on another world. And of all the places I could have ended up, I'm glad to be with you guys."


After that, Mori does his show.

...The costume is clearly supposed to be armor, badly damaged armor at that. The dance is deliberate. It implies someone tired, desperate struggle alternating with exhausted rote. But no less elegant for it. He sings first about the latest verse in a long conflict, a feud clung to from fear and suspicion about to be ended once and forever. It's a battle song, Tak joins in and does martial arts in counterpoint for a dance-fight for a bit and they yell vitriol at each other. Tak falls dramatically to a plastic sword. Then, the rest of the short performance is about how it's too late to turn back now. The damage is done, granaries are broken open and smoldering on both sides, and winter is upon us. Victory is bitter, not sweet. What have we done?


That almost feels like it could be a complete story, but it's the first part of several, which makes him curious about where the story will go from here. It's quite well done.


After that the dinner turns to ordinary conversation. Ka'do gets up and heads upstairs but everyone else stays, at least for a bit.

"If you don't mind me asking, who cares for children on Earth? How does it work?" Lyra asks, once it's over and Mori sits down again.


"It varies by culture and family, but usually it's mostly the parents. Where I grew up, it's common for one parent, usually the mother but not always, to do most of the childcare while the other parent works. Grandparents and other family members also help out sometimes, most commonly if they're retired and therefore don't have to work. Once kids are old enough to go to school they spend a lot of their time doing that, but school usually lets out a couple of hours before most people get out of work, so it's common to send kids to a daycare for that period if both parents are working. I guess most childcare arrangements are determined by who has to work when."


"That seems a little sad. I think taking care of children is work. Possibly the most important work there is, second to farming."


"I think this is mostly my habits from my native language—in different contexts we use the same word to refer to either work in general, or specifically things for which one is financially compensated. But I think most humans would agree with you that taking care of children is work, and that it's important."


"Oh, good."

The bell she wears jingles pleasantly as her tail wags, and Lyra turns back to her food.

"You gonna sleep in the cuddlepile or in one of the side rooms?" Wonders Jann aloud. "Do aliens do cuddlepiles, even? I know in Tsu they mostly don't."


"Humans mostly do not do cuddlepiles, but I personally enjoy them quite a lot and will happily join you all."


"Cool, 'cause Tak, Witak, me, and Mika all want a side room. 'Salways males who want side rooms and I never understand why, but whatever. That's not important. Anyway, I'm pretty tired and gonna head out. Have a nice sleep, welcome to Iwami!"


Sid's first impressions of this species probably caused him to believe they were more cuddly than they actually are, if cuddlepiles do not in fact receive universal acclaim, but it's still a massive improvement over humans, so he's not complaining.

"Good night."

If people are getting ready to go to bed, Sid will... try to find a toothbrush. Hopefully the dental hygiene situation isn't too exotic.


Their toothbrushes are larger and weirdly shaped (curved a bit) and the bristles are very stiff, but they're recognizable. There's some in sealed cardboard packs in the sinks in the bathroom-toiletroom combo. Toothpaste too; It's possible there's something exotic in it that'll harm him but it tastes like ordinary slightly-chalky Generic Brand Unflavored stuff from earth. There's no mouthwash or dental floss in evidence.


These guys are going to be so unenthused when the first incredible alien technology he brings to Iwami is dental floss.

He brushes his teeth and heads downstairs.


Mika, Witak, Ayami, and Osal are still downstairs, cleaning up. The eternal buffet is shrinking to just stable items like candy and crackers.


Sid will help them clean up.

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