Amariah goes home. She makes sure the local Janepoint is reasserting normalcy, even if it's a bit of a sluggish process from a break this bad. She spots Kas curled up on the floor. She conjures up something more comfortable under him and curls up beside him, the big spoon to his little spoon, Path perched on her head.
Kas cuddles up, too.
He has definitely been crying; there are still tearstains on his face, long dried.
Poor sweetie. Jane's fried enough she didn't know how long it had been right away, although she promises to figure it out. Amariah figures anyone who's been waiting besides Kas can wait another few hours. She closes her eyes and goes to sleep.
Isabella wakes up as soon as he makes a noise. "Oh, sweetie." She wraps her arms around him tight and hugs him. "How long was it? Jane was so fried she didn't know -"
"Sixty-six years," he half-sobs, hugging her back. "I love you - I missed you - I could not take missing you like that, fuck."
"I'm so sorry." Hug, hug hug. Path nuzzles his cheek. "I love you too, sweetie, I'm so sorry - we went to this fucked up world that broke Jane as soon as Aegis walked in - they're going to give Jane her own body and she's gonna sit nice and snug in the Belltower doing fuckall with it and there's a backup for time syncing now."
"I - I wrote you postcards," he says, "you might wanna go to the moon or something to read them, I'm not sure how many and the room might get full if you conjure 'em all at once."
"Must have been a whole lot of postcards. I can conjure them in batches," she says, "right now I'm too glad to be home - I wasn't gone nearly as long on my end but the world was pretty terrible, Glass puked when she saw it through the door." She conjures up the first couple hundred, starts reading.
She sees Amariah.
She stares.
[I had a kid!] he says. [I wished myself pregnant and I didn't specify by who and apparently the magic picked you!]
"Hi," says Amariah automatically. "I - apparently haven't - gotten to that part yet." She waves the postcard she's holding, drops it negligently into the "done" pile.
"Thirteen," says Kas, also quietly. "Her birthday's in August, I said the third but I could've been wrong. It's in a few months - you've been gone exactly sixty-six years minus a day."
Path goes slowly fluffy, all his feathers standing on end.
"I am not old enough to have a thirteen year old daughter, fuck, I'm not even old enough to be her irresponsible preteen mother!" says Isabella, "I just - we never even talked about having - goddesses all - I can't." She gets up. She conjures the remaining postcards into a magic bag that will hold them all. "I can't right now - I am going to the Belltower, I will be back, this place is synced and brainphoneable twice over if you need me or you can get Jane to send you after me but - I can't." She flicks her bracelet.
Jane picks her up, and puts her down.
Kas sits by himself, on her living room floor, and he hugs his daemon, and he just... doesn't do anything. Not a thing at all.