Helen celebrates her eighth birthday by baking all her favourite people a cake again. And then she goes away with Kas, to Iceland and Russia and back by way of Alaska.
When they fly in, Kas on Petaal's cloudpine and Helen on her own, Helen is wearing blue jeans and a pink T-shirt.
[Well... yes and no. Petaal didn't settle because that's how I am, and she can be a witch and fly cloudpine because that's how she is. But this thing we're doing right now, that's otherworldly magic. And not dying when somebody hits me with a death curse, or stabs me somewhere important, that's otherworldly magic too. And Isabella fixed the afterlife with otherworldly magic, and some otherworldly help.]
[Yeah. One of the kinds of otherworldly magic, I think - Helen is only about the second or third time it's happened - that if you make a lot of it, your kids get born with superpowers.]
[It's called 'minting'; the magic comes in the form of coins that grant wishes. I've made a bunch but hardly used any in comparison, and same for another of me who also had some kids who came out with the kind of superpowers that people from Eos sometimes get - Eos is the world where minting comes from.]
He shrugs. [I dunno. I don't, anymore, I know there were a bunch more but I couldn't list them or anything.]