Helen celebrates her eighth birthday by baking all her favourite people a cake again. And then she goes away with Kas, to Iceland and Russia and back by way of Alaska.
When they fly in, Kas on Petaal's cloudpine and Helen on her own, Helen is wearing blue jeans and a pink T-shirt.
"Well, part of why I feel like not taking them off is 'cause I'm mad that Kaydi thinks I'm not a witch or something," she says. "But I just tried on mortal clothes to see if I'd like them, and then I did, and now I wear them sometimes, there's not a thing that made me feel like it, I just do."
"I don't get what there is to understand!" she says unhappily. "Can't it just be another thing about me, like how Kalavar likes being dragons, and I give people cake on my birthday?"
"Yeah, 'cause I only started now!" she says. "And I never baked a cake before I baked my first cake, but now I like baking cakes!"
She gets on her cloud-pine and floats up off the ground.
"It's not a costume," she says. "Any more than Petaal's wearing a witch costume when she puts silks on to fly. Or Kas is wearing a girl costume when he puts on a pretty dress. It's just different stuff to wear."
"Is it? I don't think so," says Helen. "I think dressing up as something because you want to dress up as the thing is one thing, and just wearing stuff because that's the stuff you want to wear is a different thing."
"Yeah. But not for reasons," she says. "Just for feeling like it. Kas does the same thing."