"Coooool," says Helen. She reads the spell, and Kalavar turns into a firefly and flutters bright bright circles around her head.
There are several in this little book. Simple first-aid, the snow-circle, a spell to thicken liquids so they'll make clear runes without soaking into the ground or splashing, a few they can't use yet that pertain to cloud-pine maintenance. It also has a section about the uses of herbs, although none of the spells in this book actually use them - that's more advanced.
The teacher's style is to assume that they know all the things they have read, and quiz them, impromptu single questions that require synthesizing the knowledge - creatively or logically; either can world. "Kaydi. What would adding marjoram to the spell for small cuts do?"
"Uh - make it work faster?" guesses Kaydi.
"Inkeri. The spell on page sixteen invokes Segaard Oskei. What might happen if you substituted Farakhel Nimah?"
"...It would make the liquid hot?" Inkeri supposes.
"Helen. What would happen if you omitted a line from the middle of the snow-circle?"
"Uh - make it work faster?" guesses Kaydi.
"Inkeri. The spell on page sixteen invokes Segaard Oskei. What might happen if you substituted Farakhel Nimah?"
"...It would make the liquid hot?" Inkeri supposes.
"Helen. What would happen if you omitted a line from the middle of the snow-circle?"
"I'm pretty sure it wouldn't make a snow-circle," she says, "but I don't know what it would do instead." With a glance at Shura, "Hopefully not explode."
The teacher smiles. "Shura. You exchanged goddesses in the daemonglow spell and got an explosion, which you are very lucky did not involve your daemon. What might happen if you used a different one - any of your choice?"
"Um, it said Amariah Lytess... probably because she does daemons... and I put Farakhel Nimah and it exploded - because she does fire?... um... maybe if I put Yambe Akka it would make something cold?"
The teacher inclines her head. "That spell is actually a very versatile one, which you will be able to vary to assorted effects as an adult; it calls on numbered domains from the named goddess, which in the case you see in your book results in combining your daemon and the full moon, but if the numbers, the goddess, or both are changed can do any number of things. Including make something cold."
"Um, it said Amariah Lytess... probably because she does daemons... and I put Farakhel Nimah and it exploded - because she does fire?... um... maybe if I put Yambe Akka it would make something cold?"
The teacher inclines her head. "That spell is actually a very versatile one, which you will be able to vary to assorted effects as an adult; it calls on numbered domains from the named goddess, which in the case you see in your book results in combining your daemon and the full moon, but if the numbers, the goddess, or both are changed can do any number of things. Including make something cold."
This is a good chart. Helen likes this chart. She reads it over and over and hums to herself.