Shell Bell opens her aura up as far as it will go. (Back in Atlantis, Neptune glows with the spillover, snuggled up to Tinia.)
She reaches for the door.
She gets Atlantis.
She tries again and gets Downside.
"It doesn't look like I can get it," she says softly. "It looks like they're stuck until -"
The door opens, again.
"Thank fucking everything," Aegis says, "hello. Aether, Celo - these are - everybody and then some."
"Tab," supplies Tab.
Meanwhile, Glass staggers in the direction of the bathroom. [THAT IS NOT A NICE WORLD.]
[We fucking KNOW,] says Aegis, [how broke is Jane?]
[Very broke,] says Juliet, [tried a tenner, didn't go.]
[I might be able to do something now you're here,] Stella says, [with aura.]
"Bye," says Aether to Corona, and she teleports herself (with Celo) back to Glass. "Hi, Glass. If Celo figures out how to transplant his garden can he put it here? Asking both on the subject of permission and magical compatibility."
Glass sets about peering at Celo. "I'll have to consult Marianne about permission but I don't think she'd mind - there's the question of how, if at all, you want the place signposted or warded, since people here won't be familiar with nymph fields - and - There will be magical interaction between nymph stuff and the forest, but I think it will be friendly interaction, I don't expect it to do you any sort of harm."
"It says you're - at some point I should go starred into Alethia and look at some of the angels there for comparison, but I think it's claiming you're divine. Also friendly, at least to me. And if Aether didn't mention it, you're torchable now, do you want to be torchable? You're more - self-contained, now, than you were when I first saw you, you used to be attached to something that wasn't you and now you aren't. That perception power you have turned way down right now is more under your control now, I think, in convenient auraly fashion - aaaaand - did there used to be - things you couldn't touch without hurting them? I don't think that's a thing anymore, I think your divine energy is more about your preferences than categorizations of things as divine or not-divine or anti-divine now."
"...That... makes a surprising amount of sense," says Celo, "and will come in handy if I ever need to heal a demonblood, I guess. Uh, I'll skip being torchable until I've moved my field, I think. And I might not want it even then - if it's just gonna make this body immortal, well, there's plenty of uses for a nymph corpse and I'll just pop out of my field again anyway."
"Torching in general is more - absolute, than the respawning thing you do. I'd give torching good odds even against the nauseating anti-causality in Materia, I don't think the welcoming committee could have been permanently destroyed there no matter who they bothered - not that I'd advise trying it. Your field would be quite safe here, but if you do hope to be properly immortal that's a lot of time for small chances to add up, and Materia isn't Downsideable. It might make sense to consult the admin to see if there's a way to make your field torchable instead of your body."
"She's - locally omnipotent, kind of apathetic, willing to let us run her afterlife so she doesn't have to do it, quite amenable to requests."
[Marianne, new Bell Aether has a Joker who is magically attached to a field. It's not normally transplantable, but he may be able to learn a template teleportation thing that would allow him to move it. Do you think it would be all right for him to put it in the forest?]
[I haven't seen the field, so this is going off what I can see looking at his non-plant-part, but he is the field. If his body's killed, he'll appear in the field - like torching but he moves in the process and I think it's slower. If the field is destroyed so is he.]
[Assuming his field is not significantly larger than the palace, I can find a place for it fairly easily,] says Marianne.
Glass puts herself, Celo, and Aether out in a nice flat place for walking out the dimensions. "If you don't mind."
Glass composes a little diagram of it for Marianne, with dimensions attached, in the text brainphone feature.
"Marianne is looking for a nice place to put your garden," Glass reports to Celo.