Shell Bell opens her aura up as far as it will go. (Back in Atlantis, Neptune glows with the spillover, snuggled up to Tinia.)
She reaches for the door.
She gets Atlantis.
She tries again and gets Downside.
"It doesn't look like I can get it," she says softly. "It looks like they're stuck until -"
The door opens, again.
"Thank fucking everything," Aegis says, "hello. Aether, Celo - these are - everybody and then some."
"Tab," supplies Tab.
Meanwhile, Glass staggers in the direction of the bathroom. [THAT IS NOT A NICE WORLD.]
[We fucking KNOW,] says Aegis, [how broke is Jane?]
[Very broke,] says Juliet, [tried a tenner, didn't go.]
[I might be able to do something now you're here,] Stella says, [with aura.]
"That sounds like a job for you, maybe Brilliance, and Aegis. I want to go home," says Cam, peering at the Kersible Tab gave him. "We can have a party later."
And she teleports to the bar door.
Except Aegis and Aurora, both of whom want to contact their respective Jokers promptly but don't plan to go home.
"Want to go get auras and stuff in Chronicle?" Aether asks Celo. "I don't know if they'll help, but they're supposed to be generally - helpful."
"But you're totally naked," giggles Kiawen. Her piano bear is batting at her hair from his position on her shoulder.
"I didn't actually get a coin supply before everyone scattered or I'd have perfect recall by now, but you must be one of Glass's kids."
"I'm awake, I'm awake," says Jane, "hang on, lemme ask around - okay, Pattern's gonna spot you a starter set - I'll just drop them over there - you can fish around for an evil and get your standards all in a batch and coinsorter them up."
"...Okay," says Aether, and she does indeed fish around in the resulting pile of assorted coins for an evil, tentatively wish for state-of-the-art Bell standards, blink, and slurp up the remaining heap into her sorter.
"Teleporting, perfect recall, enchanting, invisibility - apparently the state of the art agony beam is updated from what the visitors told us about - flying - all kinds of stuff - I'm going to need to go Downside too to be able to torchable people, I guess, even if I can't get you. That magic language Jellybean was speaking, I have that now. Lots of stuff. And of course it'll all probably go haywire if I ever go home." She sighs and leans on Celo. "...So there's a Jarvis here? Hello, Jarvis, can you point me at someplace private me and Celo can go for aura-getting?"
"Certainly," says the local Jarvis. "Just out the door and down the hall to your left, then up the stairs, the first door on your right will be a guest room which you may occupy for whatever purpose you like."
She flops onto the guest room bed.
"So apparently I just dump enchanting energy into the forest, and this will probably take a few hours," she tells Celo. "You wanna be my channel?"