Peninnah is now five, and her wingspan should be sufficient to carry her aloft; she's just having a little trouble with the necessary coordination. Isabella has worked with her, and so has Rinnah, but Peninnah is impatient and has given up on both of them in favor of asking Damaris for help, on the poorly articulated theory that Damaris, at age thirteen, is closer to Peninnah's own size and might make more sense.
"Are you saying you won't share? Will I have to fight you to get some of my own pastries where we're going?" cackles Keziah.
"I wonder what Yseult and Céleste are doing right now, they don't have to go through the motions of being professional angels... I wonder how old they are now. And if they have little sisters by now."
"That's a weird thought," laughs Damaris. "I wonder if we'll be older than they are, when Jane comes back?"
"You were once!" says Keziah. "I mean, not exactly, but our mom was pregnant with you when Rose hadn't even decided to have Yseult."
"I guess not. I wonder if time ever goes backwards? Like, could they be younger than they were when we saw them?"
"I don't think that works," says Damaris. "Where would the time go? What would happen to the Yseult and Céleste who met us?"
"Well, maybe something bad would happen if they mentioned it. Maybe things wouldn't happen how they remember them, if they did?"
"You two were seven! Can you imagine acting perfectly like you'd never met somebody you already knew, when you were seven?"
"Do you think there will be more of you by the time Jane is back? From one of the other worlds? Maybe me too, I guess it gets less and less likely for Ariel and Pen though, depends how many kids they have."
"Unless there's one family where we all come out in the wrong order, or something," laughs Damaris.
"Do you think that could happen? All four of us backwards maybe, Pen oldest and you youngest? I don't think so, you're such a big sister."