Peninnah is now five, and her wingspan should be sufficient to carry her aloft; she's just having a little trouble with the necessary coordination. Isabella has worked with her, and so has Rinnah, but Peninnah is impatient and has given up on both of them in favor of asking Damaris for help, on the poorly articulated theory that Damaris, at age thirteen, is closer to Peninnah's own size and might make more sense.
Singing is fun! And Keziah doesn't have to think of what to say because there are lyrics!
Singing singing singing.
The next morning at a quarter to six Keziah goes looking for Junia.
The next morning at a quarter to six Keziah goes looking for Junia.
They go to the place where Paul and Luke are currently singing, and lurk in polite quietude at the edges, and then they're up.
Keziah counts them in, and they sing!
Keziah counts them in, and they sing!
Yay! Keziah has been imagining various possible disasters that could befall their attempt, but none of them happen. She's beaming when they're through and turn over the floor to a trio of mortals.
"We can - I mean, you can sign up for as many as you want pretty much, as long as you have at least one person to go with you, and I'm usually free, if you want."
There are more early slots, and scattered day slots, and one late at night two days in the future.
"More people will hear us if we sing during the day," muses Keziah. "Because more of them will be awake. Is that good or bad?"