Peninnah is now five, and her wingspan should be sufficient to carry her aloft; she's just having a little trouble with the necessary coordination. Isabella has worked with her, and so has Rinnah, but Peninnah is impatient and has given up on both of them in favor of asking Damaris for help, on the poorly articulated theory that Damaris, at age thirteen, is closer to Peninnah's own size and might make more sense.
"Um, we sound pretty good together, maybe we should practice something else and we can fill in more spots?"
Keziah starts flipping through the discs of music. "Do you know this one?" she asks, putting out another soprano-alto duet.
Keziah puts it on. She hums with parts of the soprano part, but she wants Junia to be able to learn the alto so she doesn't sing along.
"How many times do you want to hear it before we sing along?" Keziah asks, when it's over.