"I miss them so much," she murmurs. "And they miss me - but at least there are more of them in the world they are in, for company."
She looks at the illusions a moment longer, then dismisses them and shuts her eyes.
"They are not from the world. My alt hired them from other worlds to make coins for her. There was one who was native to it, but he moved away, on purpose."
"I can't imagine leaving the world to go and do magic somewhere else," he says, shaking his head. And hugging her some more. She's very huggable.
"This will be easier to talk about if I tell you their names," remarks Isibel. "My beloveds are called Aianon - the demon - and Ansharil - the dragon. The world they are in is named Origin. The Jokers who moved there are Queenie, and Ghosty, and the one who was born there and moved away is only called the Joker. He did not move away to do magic; he moved to be with his boyfriend in a world called Aurum. Ghosty and Queenie had both died when they met the rest of my friends and did not particularly want to stay where they were."
Isibel shakes her head. "She died, and became a ghost, and there is no sign of other people who have died in her original world doing the same thing. Her world is attached to the same afterlife most of us use, now."
Hmm, he still appears to be hugging her. Well, she seems all right with that.
It's nice.
"Yes," she agrees. "Most Jokers live in their original worlds. With their Bells."
"The ones from their worlds." Pause. "Generally romantically entangled. Pattern, the Bell from Origin, is the only Bell we know about who was born in a world with a Joker and did not wind up that way."
"Ah. It is a subtle - fitting, between two souls, almost like a lesser dragonbond. It is difficult to detect until it is already firmly in place. If you have heard a relatively unadulterated story of Idalia and Jermayan, she initially spurned him because she feared dying before he did and leaving him unable to get over her loss - this was based a misunderstanding of the phenomenon on her part; he was already committed. I found it for my beloved shortly after I was through convalescing."