[Thanks, everybody,] says Bella, later, to the local Jokers. [That was the best date venue ever.]
It's what happens after the falling that Ripper is keen on, not so much the falling itself.
Skating a little faster is a little more exciting!
Skating a little faster is a little more exciting!
That is also an option.
Or they could figure out how to make out while skating without falling over, that's good too.
Or they could figure out how to make out while skating without falling over, that's good too.
Sooooo nibbleable.
Next time they fall over she is going to surprise him by tasting like vanilla sugar.
Next time they fall over she is going to surprise him by tasting like vanilla sugar.
Well, he wants to verify which parts of her taste like vanilla sugar, you see. And how it interacts with her other available flavours.
The answer, apparently, is 'all the parts' and 'really really well'.
The answer, apparently, is 'all the parts' and 'really really well'.