[Thanks, everybody,] says Bella, later, to the local Jokers. [That was the best date venue ever.]
Hug, kiss! Shirt-wearing is not such an advantage in the general case, but for ice skating it could be important. She conjures a pair of skates that will fit him behind her back and then dangles them by their laces where he can take them.
...He looks at the skates.
He takes the skates.
He wraps his free arm around her waist and kisses her again.
He takes the skates.
He wraps his free arm around her waist and kisses her again.
Kisses are excellent.
She teleports them to an ice skating rink that is not currently hooked up to any neighboring bubbles mid-kiss.
She teleports them to an ice skating rink that is not currently hooked up to any neighboring bubbles mid-kiss.
She conjures herself a pair of skates, kisses him again, and sits in midair to put them on in place of her boots.
Bella alights beside him and holds his hand.
She doesn't actually know how to skate, and hasn't pentagoned it, either. Magic grace does give her decent balance, but everything more sophisticated she has elected to figure out from scratch, at least for now.
She doesn't actually know how to skate, and hasn't pentagoned it, either. Magic grace does give her decent balance, but everything more sophisticated she has elected to figure out from scratch, at least for now.
Ripper has reasonably good balance also.
It doesn't always help as much as he'd like.
But falling over is part of the fun, right?
It doesn't always help as much as he'd like.
But falling over is part of the fun, right?
Of course! Especially because it turns out if he pulls her down with him she laughs and kisses him.
In the middle of a skating rink is a terribly uncomfortable place to make out.
It is amazing how little he cares.
It is amazing how little he cares.
That complicates matters sufficiently that down they go! It's okay; Bella's invulnerable. Kiss kiss.
Mmm. She's on the bottom of this particular pile-up, so it's a little harder to extricate herself and carry on skating. She will stay put till Ripper is done.