[Thanks, everybody,] says Bella, later, to the local Jokers. [That was the best date venue ever.]
Later, Bella wonders aloud: "So which one do you think is most likely to be an album cover?"
"The ones with Aianon acting scary at you were hilarious, but perhaps that's not the right metric."
"I don't know, I thought they were kind of hot," he laughs. "Which definitely is the right metric."
[Yeah. And then we played with it. They like it much better than yours, did they never say so?]
[Less 'fiddle with', more 'built from scratch', I think,] he says. [I don't know what yours is like firsthand, but the new one is... interesting. 'Agony beam' is really the wrong name, it's more like a... sensory synthesizer.]
[Well, for one thing, it doesn't just do pain - it does heat, cold, pressure, anything you can feel. And it doesn't just beam it all over, like yours does - it goes where you want it to. I'm not that good at it yet, but some of the things Ghosty can do with it are pretty incredible.]
[Sounds kind of like Aurora's thing, I wonder if it'll weird her out if the revision gets to be standard.]
[Well, no, Brilliance has a thing. He was made from scratch with a built-in torture function, it's kind of fucked up, but has the obvious recreational applications, and she solved the Monogamy Problem by having that thing be just for them.]
[Huh,] says Ripper. [Yeah, that's fucked up all right. But I'm sure she won't mind if other Bells start using something like it recreationally, aren't you lot all about the sharing that way?]
[We are about... I'd call it collaborating, but yeah. I'm thinking more about the scenario where everybody's playing with it at a party and Brilliance wants in and Aurora starts squirming.]