[Thanks, everybody,] says Bella, later, to the local Jokers. [That was the best date venue ever.]
"Nope," he says cheerfully. "The last set's even more fun."
For the last set, he is floating in space, surrounded by various decorations - swirls of glitter in one shot, billowing fabric in the next, flames and stars and flower petals. In the very last one, Aianon is tackling him out of the middle of the field of carefully arranged floating water droplets from the last shot.
For the last set, he is floating in space, surrounded by various decorations - swirls of glitter in one shot, billowing fabric in the next, flames and stars and flower petals. In the very last one, Aianon is tackling him out of the middle of the field of carefully arranged floating water droplets from the last shot.
"I know that these weren't Photoshopped, and my instinct is still to declare them all obviously Photoshopped," comments Bella.
[Oh, I don't know,] giggles Bella, [it would probably depend, and they might just get in the way.] (She illustrates where they might get in the way. It is a hands-on demonstration.)
"All right, I'm convinced," he says, laughing.
Is it time to stop looking at pictures and start making out instead? He thinks it is!
Is it time to stop looking at pictures and start making out instead? He thinks it is!
It was. Now there are no more pictures of sexy dead naked Ripper to show her, and if she wants more sexy naked Ripper she will just have to content herself with the live version.
Bella herself is not substituting for any sexy photo shoots (there have been some, for press purposes, but all clothed and businesslike), but here she is regardless.
He did say he liked it when she tasted like sweets, didn't he? Flavor of the day is... let's say raspberry.
He did say he liked it when she tasted like sweets, didn't he? Flavor of the day is... let's say raspberry.