[Thanks, everybody,] says Bella, later, to the local Jokers. [That was the best date venue ever.]
"Which part are you looking at?" wonders Ripper of the present.
"Queenie is heaping you with petals and Aianon is making those red flowers. Looks like you were mostly talking by brainphone, though, and I don't catch that."
And indeed, after taking the first picture, Queenie looked speculatively at Ripper's crotch and said, "Wonder what happens if I turn you on?"
To which Ripper replied, grinning, "Try it and see."
Ripper started giggling helplessly, and Queenie took a picture. And then a few more, as he calmed down and Ghosty rearranged the vegetation.
And just before Queenie took the next picture, a voice out of thin air chirped, "Remember that time you fucked me into a wall? That was fun," and Ripper failed not to smirk.
In the past, Queenie did indeed get more creative, and that is approximately when Ripper started throwing petals at her. She dropped the camera; they implemented a few of her suggestions, to vocal approval from Aianon and Ghosty.
[The photo shoot has been temporarily abandoned, in the past,] giggles Bella. [I think I'll stop watching.]
[I am not surprised. It would be a sort of unpleasant surprise. Please don't spring it on me if non-Jokers are added to the circle of interest,] she adds.
[If you want to have sex with someone who isn't me - in specific - or a Joker - anybody from the template - please let me know first.]
"I don't know. A bit. But not a bad kind of weird, just - " He laughs softly. "What was it you said about extra housekeeping?"
"Speaking of people who are me but not in specific, at least two of them would probably take you up on it if you hit on them," she mentions.