Here is Bella, catching up on her email, trying to come up with a reasonable mathematical approximation of the known abilities of evils versus arrows to guess how many dead people she can bring back with one of the latter, trying to come up with a prioritization scheme for putting her waiting list in order.
"It's nice how you're getting the hang of that," he says as he opens the door, and then he catches sight of Queenie. "Oh, hello."
"Well, I guess actually introducing you will be unnecessary," chuckles Bella, and out she pops.
The next morning, Ripper brainphones Bella to say dazedly, [So that worked out well. Thanks for the introduction.]
[Thanks for dropping me on Ripper,] she says brightly. [He's scrumptious.]
[You're adorable,] Queenie says fondly. [I think you should make out with him! Well, I think you should fuck him, but if I tell you to make out with him you might actually try it.]
[Had I dreamed of doubting the availability of your advice, I would now be thoroughly assured of my mistake.]
[I don't know. I can't tell how serious he is. I mean, he seriously wants to flirt with me, but anything else, I don't know.]
[And I don't want to make out with somebody who just wants to make out with me and that's it.]
[And he doesn't just want to make out with you. Like I said: he thinks you're precious. Cute. Dare I say, dateable. Not that he actually told me any of that, but I can kind of tell, you know?]