Here is Bella, catching up on her email, trying to come up with a reasonable mathematical approximation of the known abilities of evils versus arrows to guess how many dead people she can bring back with one of the latter, trying to come up with a prioritization scheme for putting her waiting list in order.
She thanks him and puts it on the Internet with appropriate - ahem - fanfare; she has already asked Slipstick to keep an eye out for someone who could orchestrate it.
[Bella,] says Queenie, [did Ripper from Wretched write the Saturn planetary anthem?]
[Are you kidding? He's gorgeous, and that voice—! Ooh, do you think you could introduce us?]
[So, turns out Queenie is familiar with Wretched, and she heard the anthem and recognized your voice, and wants to be introduced.]
[...Part of me says 'hell yeah, bring it on', part of me is still sort of terrified, part of me thinks that I will lose all chance of ever flirting with you again if in addition to handing me a subscription to the magic Joker porn channel you also set me up with one.]
[Meeting Queenie and conducting yourselves however you like will not interfere with that significantly.]
Blushes are not conveyed over the brainphone, but one is happening.
[Ooh, goodie,] says Queenie, in a slightly different voice. (That happens sometimes.)
[I'll fetch you to his place; he has this thing about knocking.] She pops to wherever Queenie is.
Queenie is in the latest of many little apartments in Gotham, wearing a beautiful long silky red dress; Ghosty is not visibly present.
"He signed up for one of you, not two, so if Ghosty wants to join the party, ask first," Bella advises, and she pops them into the hall outside Ripper's place and knocks.