Here is Bella, catching up on her email, trying to come up with a reasonable mathematical approximation of the known abilities of evils versus arrows to guess how many dead people she can bring back with one of the latter, trying to come up with a prioritization scheme for putting her waiting list in order.
She is making every effort to be nibbleable, on the theory that this will yield nibbles.
She is also enjoying the fact that he is shirtless. She does not tickle him again, at least not on purpose - that might distract him from what he's doing - but she does investigate this fascinating phenomenon.
She is also enjoying the fact that he is shirtless. She does not tickle him again, at least not on purpose - that might distract him from what he's doing - but she does investigate this fascinating phenomenon.
He has many touchable areas! Some of which are covered in flower petals, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.
But it is, a little, because they get in the way. Shoo, flower petals in the way of Ripper.
She's abusing the collar of this poor dress. That will never do. She triangles the collar back where it belongs, and squares the entire dress off her person, folded up on some flower petals over there.
It turns out that they are!
It also turns out that the flower petals are not quite done with them yet.
In the midst of discovering certain ways in which Bella is extremely touchable, they also discover that certain events cause the entire carpet of petals covering the floor to lift off and fly away in all directions, scattering through the gaps in the walls and out the lack of a ceiling.
It also turns out that the flower petals are not quite done with them yet.
In the midst of discovering certain ways in which Bella is extremely touchable, they also discover that certain events cause the entire carpet of petals covering the floor to lift off and fly away in all directions, scattering through the gaps in the walls and out the lack of a ceiling.
Bella is a little distracted at that moment; she notices, but doesn't complete her thoughts on the subject until a breathless minute of kissing later, at which time she says: "If they come and check on this place I will never hear the end of it."
Ripper giggles.
"I wonder if it's just you, or...?"
More kisses! Petals continue to rain on them.
"I wonder if it's just you, or...?"
More kisses! Petals continue to rain on them.