It takes about an hour of group hug - other friends filter in and crowd around, too - before Chelsa feels well enough to disentangle herself and confront Aelise.
"What, is there more than one thing? Harley! My power - glitched or something - but when it came back everything was sharp for a second and I know that warmth when I feel it! You didn't even put him far away, let alone in orbit!"
"I put him in orbit," she says. "It's harder to keep an eye on him in orbit, and there's a lot of mischief he could get into up there if he put his mind to it. I took him back down when he looked like he might be getting into some. I didn't mention it because I didn't want to upset you. Are you all right?"
"I'm sorry," she says. "Harley's ten kinds of trouble, but I need him in reach if I'm going to use him to keep everyone immortal. I've been keeping him unconscious most of the time; he wakes up when I drain him and that's it."
"He's a troublemaker. I am trying to make sure he doesn't have either the means or the motive to cause much trouble."
"You promised me, and of all the ways I could find out - I don't understand what's wrong with me," says Chelsa sitting down heavily.
"I don't either," says Aelise, coming up and hugging her. "But I intend to find out. All right?"
"Fix it," says Chelsa desperately, clinging. "I can't live like that, not all cold - I don't know how anyone else can stand it."
But this time, when she's done draining him, instead of looking dazed but contented he takes a breath and starts crying.
And when she moves to put him under again, he hits her ineffectually and twists away—and disappears.