Tab nods. And she closes her eyes and concentrates.
Her Gift feels like a blanket, complete with the supernatural, unexplained ability to protect her from monsters under the bed. She didn't know that this wasn't something everyone felt until she asked, but once she picked it out as a magic thing and not as just part of the sensory background, she was able to start considering how to do things with it, and eventually figured out how to blanket Kers. She can keep Kers under the blanket without much attention, until she goes to sleep, at which time her Gift decides that it needs to wrap her up in one hundred percent of the blanket; sometimes if she's deep in thought about something unrelated she'll also lose it. She can put it on and take it off even if her and Kers are on opposite sides of the orbital ring.
Aelise is right there, and she just needs to turn the blanket inside-out...
She tries. She had a long list of things to try, full of invented words and exclamation points and little synaesthetic diagrams.
It doesn't work. Her blanket does not want to be inside-out.
Her Gift feels like a blanket, complete with the supernatural, unexplained ability to protect her from monsters under the bed. She didn't know that this wasn't something everyone felt until she asked, but once she picked it out as a magic thing and not as just part of the sensory background, she was able to start considering how to do things with it, and eventually figured out how to blanket Kers. She can keep Kers under the blanket without much attention, until she goes to sleep, at which time her Gift decides that it needs to wrap her up in one hundred percent of the blanket; sometimes if she's deep in thought about something unrelated she'll also lose it. She can put it on and take it off even if her and Kers are on opposite sides of the orbital ring.
Aelise is right there, and she just needs to turn the blanket inside-out...
She tries. She had a long list of things to try, full of invented words and exclamation points and little synaesthetic diagrams.
It doesn't work. Her blanket does not want to be inside-out.
Aelise lets her keep trying as long as she likes; then she shrugs and says, "So much for that. Maybe it'll grow in as you get older; that happens."
Tab does not manage it that year.
Or the next, or the next few.
But she doggedly tries every visit, because there are no better ideas going, everything has some dreadful flaw, everything makes her map fall to bits or Aelise thinks it's untenable per risk aversion. Aelise may not like using Chelsa - or says so, anyway - but she doesn't consider her quite as much of a disaster as Tab does, so she passes up a couple possibilities Tab would have jumped on.
And one day, a few weeks after she turns twelve -
"It - I think it - did it work?"
Or the next, or the next few.
But she doggedly tries every visit, because there are no better ideas going, everything has some dreadful flaw, everything makes her map fall to bits or Aelise thinks it's untenable per risk aversion. Aelise may not like using Chelsa - or says so, anyway - but she doesn't consider her quite as much of a disaster as Tab does, so she passes up a couple possibilities Tab would have jumped on.
And one day, a few weeks after she turns twelve -
"It - I think it - did it work?"
"So you can't sense my life force anymore but for this to really work you have to not be able to do things - so - I guess you should try immortaling Kers some?"
The experiment's results aren't much to look at.
"Of course, I can't properly see if it worked or not, but it doesn't feel like it did," she says. "I'm not any lower."
"Of course, I can't properly see if it worked or not, but it doesn't feel like it did," she says. "I'm not any lower."
"Yes. Wait until I'm on the ground again, in case something unexpected happens. I'll email you to tell you when."
It's like dying.
The worst death, drowning in cold, like the world is made of frigid motionless hate, like there is nothing else but chill animosity.
Chelsa screams.
And then the world comes back, every pinpoint of warmth a lifeline in exquisite detailed liveliness - there's her pretty Tima and her devoted Amdon and her gentle Anneia and her warm sun -
Her warm sun.
And another very like.
The sensitivity is gone almost as soon as the cold is, but now she knows.
There were only two like that.
Harley is on the planet.
The worst death, drowning in cold, like the world is made of frigid motionless hate, like there is nothing else but chill animosity.
Chelsa screams.
And then the world comes back, every pinpoint of warmth a lifeline in exquisite detailed liveliness - there's her pretty Tima and her devoted Amdon and her gentle Anneia and her warm sun -
Her warm sun.
And another very like.
The sensitivity is gone almost as soon as the cold is, but now she knows.
There were only two like that.
Harley is on the planet.
Chelsa throws herself into Anneia's arms immediately. "My Gift, it was gone, just for a moment, but totally - it was so cold -" She's crying and she doesn't care. She twists her hands around, behind Anneia's back, pulling on the near warmth.
And because Aelise broke her word, Chelsa sees no reason to keep her agreement.
She reaches for the far sun and pulls on that one too.
And because Aelise broke her word, Chelsa sees no reason to keep her agreement.
She reaches for the far sun and pulls on that one too.
They find Chelsa with her face buried in Anneia's shoulder, sobbing, hands plucking frantically at the air.