Mehitabel reads a lot.
She starts calling herself "Tab", for short, not that anyone calls her anything apart from Kers. She writes suitably encrypted emails to Aelise about ideas for fixing the world - mostly she asks questions, to start, forming a picture of the exact problem she has to solve.
She misses her parents, but not very much. At least she got to say goodbye.
When her brain won't absorb new information, she bounces around in zero-g.
After six months, Aelise visits again.
Tab says, "Anybody you store up here must be important somehow. If I don't know about the other secret person, I won't know how to come up with ideas that work with them being important however they're important."
"They might conceivably mention something to someone, who might conceivably mention it to someone else. And so on. It's not likely, but it's not impossible. And they might not understand - it hasn't been that long since she quit the announcements."
She sighs.
"If you want to see them again and tell them the truth, my best recommendation is that you help me find a way to fish Harley out of the sun. Or a way to get my draining range high enough to hit him while he's still in there. I'm already working on broadcast, but of course I don't have an infinite supply to play with, so I have to be careful not to waste it on experiments."
She sighs.
"If you want to see them again and tell them the truth, my best recommendation is that you help me find a way to fish Harley out of the sun. Or a way to get my draining range high enough to hit him while he's still in there. I'm already working on broadcast, but of course I don't have an infinite supply to play with, so I have to be careful not to waste it on experiments."
Aelise also provides her with up-to-date copies of the list of all the Gifted people in the world, which is expanding now as she encourages more people to get themselves and their children officially tested.
So far, there are no obvious combinations. There are telekinetics other than Sandre, many with better range, but none with his kind of perceptual detail and none who could work at the kind of ranges required. There are no teleporters except for Harley himself, who can apparently only teleport into uncomfortable situations. Aelise is planning to get a spaceship made that can travel as close to the sun as possible, and have Demauri do a fly-around to map Harley's position. But that project will take years, and it might not help them very much.
So far, no one has been born with the Gift of infinite life.
So far, there are no obvious combinations. There are telekinetics other than Sandre, many with better range, but none with his kind of perceptual detail and none who could work at the kind of ranges required. There are no teleporters except for Harley himself, who can apparently only teleport into uncomfortable situations. Aelise is planning to get a spaceship made that can travel as close to the sun as possible, and have Demauri do a fly-around to map Harley's position. But that project will take years, and it might not help them very much.
So far, no one has been born with the Gift of infinite life.
Here Ends This Thread