Mehitabel reads a lot.
She starts calling herself "Tab", for short, not that anyone calls her anything apart from Kers. She writes suitably encrypted emails to Aelise about ideas for fixing the world - mostly she asks questions, to start, forming a picture of the exact problem she has to solve.
She misses her parents, but not very much. At least she got to say goodbye.
When her brain won't absorb new information, she bounces around in zero-g.
After six months, Aelise visits again.
Tab says, "Anybody you store up here must be important somehow. If I don't know about the other secret person, I won't know how to come up with ideas that work with them being important however they're important."
She takes a breath.
"Corona just killed himself. I called to see if you could get to him in time, but - you couldn't have. It was maybe half a minute from when he cut me out."
"Corona just killed himself. I called to see if you could get to him in time, but - you couldn't have. It was maybe half a minute from when he cut me out."
In the morning, Chelsa winds up curled up to Tima, since Corona isn't there.
She isn't worried right away. He may have gone to get a snack. It would be sort of thoughtless of him to go on a trip while she's so frazzled, but she never said he couldn't, she supposes.
She isn't worried right away. He may have gone to get a snack. It would be sort of thoughtless of him to go on a trip while she's so frazzled, but she never said he couldn't, she supposes.
And she continue supposing that until she sees Anneia, a little while later.
She's been up half the night trying to think of some way to say it - she's sure Kers has told Aelise by now, but Aelise isn't going to make a special trip to Chelsa's friends' quarters just to break the news, she doesn't think - and in the end she just blurts out, "Corona killed himself last night."
She's been up half the night trying to think of some way to say it - she's sure Kers has told Aelise by now, but Aelise isn't going to make a special trip to Chelsa's friends' quarters just to break the news, she doesn't think - and in the end she just blurts out, "Corona killed himself last night."
"I don't know - why, or where, or anything - Kers called me when he shut her out, but she says it wasn't more than a minute from then until Demauri couldn't find him."
She sniffles. She liked Corona. Well - of course she did.
She sniffles. She liked Corona. Well - of course she did.
Chelsa is inconsolable.
She is not in a position to deliver announcements for the next time zone cluster's morning.
In three hundred years, this is not the first time that Chelsa has missed a set of morning announcements. Aelise fills in just like always, greeting the appropriate section of the world with a smile and some inconsequential news, and explaining that Chelsa was called away because one of her close friends died unexpectedly that morning.
Then she finds the time to notify Tab, because in no way is Chelsa ready for another flicker, and she probably won't be for a while.
Then she finds the time to notify Tab, because in no way is Chelsa ready for another flicker, and she probably won't be for a while.
That sure looks like it's a possibility.
Chelsa can't stop crying. She'll let Amdon feed her, when he begs her to eat something, but mostly she just cries.
Chelsa can't stop crying. She'll let Amdon feed her, when he begs her to eat something, but mostly she just cries.
This is... not ideal.
But it's not the worst way it could've happened, she supposes.
Aelise visits Chelsa, amidst her friends. She expresses her condolences and gives Chelsa a hug.
But it's not the worst way it could've happened, she supposes.
Aelise visits Chelsa, amidst her friends. She expresses her condolences and gives Chelsa a hug.
Chelsa doesn't really get better.
She's bidden friends goodbye before, to trade them in for warmer models, but they don't die, not anytime soon, and they don't kill themselves, and none of them were her warm sun.
She does a few announcements, on her better days, but she has to have someone sitting with her, out of sight of the camera, and her smile is a little forced.
She stops crying perpetually, but she's listless, and she sleeps a lot.
She's bidden friends goodbye before, to trade them in for warmer models, but they don't die, not anytime soon, and they don't kill themselves, and none of them were her warm sun.
She does a few announcements, on her better days, but she has to have someone sitting with her, out of sight of the camera, and her smile is a little forced.
She stops crying perpetually, but she's listless, and she sleeps a lot.
Aelise observes all this.
She suggests gently that maybe Chelsa would like to retire, to a comfortable little island, with all her special friends.
She suggests gently that maybe Chelsa would like to retire, to a comfortable little island, with all her special friends.
Aelise makes the arrangements. She would like it if Chelsa did one last set of announcements, to say goodbye to everyone, reassure them as much as she can. But she'll understand if Chelsa doesn't feel up to it.
Chelsa doesn't want to upset anyone. She'll do the set, but it will have to wait for a good morning, which delays her departure.
Finally, she has an unusually calm-dreamed night and wakes up and tells the world she's going into retirement, and will miss them.
Finally, she has an unusually calm-dreamed night and wakes up and tells the world she's going into retirement, and will miss them.
The world will miss her too. They love her very much.
Aelise sees everyone to the island personally.
Aelise sees everyone to the island personally.
Chelsa isn't even upset that this all means she'll start aging again. She's afraid her power will go, maybe stay gone; she would like to leave before it does, if it's going to go.
And she won't die anytime soon. And her friends will be with her - Aelise makes sure they're all on about the same level, immortality-wise, and they have Kers to repel accidents and Anneia to keep everyone healthy in their old age.
All in all, a comfortable retirement.
Aelise doesn't visit often, after that first time; she has a considerable amount of work to do. A lot of little changes will have to be made to compensate for Chelsa's absence. That was already underway, but it's accelerating now; there are a rocky few years ahead of them.
She also consults with Mehitabel over the best time for her to come back down to the ground.
"I don't think it's time yet," she says frankly. "I don't think it'll be genuinely safe until Chelsa is dead. As long as there is no conceivable way she could know you exist, we still have the inverse shield to fall back on, but once the cat's out of the bag the only thing I could possibly do to avoid an enormous shitstorm would be assassinate her on the spot."
All in all, a comfortable retirement.
Aelise doesn't visit often, after that first time; she has a considerable amount of work to do. A lot of little changes will have to be made to compensate for Chelsa's absence. That was already underway, but it's accelerating now; there are a rocky few years ahead of them.
She also consults with Mehitabel over the best time for her to come back down to the ground.
"I don't think it's time yet," she says frankly. "I don't think it'll be genuinely safe until Chelsa is dead. As long as there is no conceivable way she could know you exist, we still have the inverse shield to fall back on, but once the cat's out of the bag the only thing I could possibly do to avoid an enormous shitstorm would be assassinate her on the spot."
"I wish I could tell my parents, even if walking around on the planet was too risky," Tab says. "How would she find out, if I told them?"