"If everyone had died," says Aelise, "then everyone being dead would have gone on forever. I wouldn't be alive, and you wouldn't be alive, and your parents and grandparents and great-grandparents wouldn't be alive. There would be no more people in the world at all, ever. So in a way, the good thing Chelsa did is still going on too. And if she ever stops doing the bad thing, the good thing will still be going on. It'll be going on for as long as there are still people, and I mean for that to be a very long time."
"Chelsa doesn't agree," says Aelise. "Chelsa thinks that everyone should get along, and she especially thinks that everyone should like her. So to get her to save the world, I had to promise that she could make everyone like her, for as long as she lived."
"If she died of old age at a hundred or so, the way people used to, it would've been too close to when everybody was at war with each other. Things might have just gone right back to the way they were before, but with no Chelsa to step in and save everybody. And once I made her immortal, well, if I told her that I was just going to let her die she wouldn't like that very much. She might do a lot more bad things, to try to make me keep her immortal still. It'd be the same kind of problem but nastier."
"It is better than everyone being dead," says Aelise. "And in three hundred years, I haven't found a way to stop it that I think wouldn't lead to everyone being dead."
"You have time," says Aelise. "Your generation is expected to live to about a hundred and sixty. Do you want to try?"
"If you think of something that I think will work, I'll do it," she says. "If you think of something that I think will lead to everyone dying, I'll tell you why."
"I think that everyone dying is much, much worse than Chelsa making everyone like each other. So when it comes to everyone dying, I'll err on the side of caution. I have all the time in the world to think of a way to get rid of her, but I'm only going to get one chance to try it, and if I do it wrong, everyone might die."