"You, me, Anneia - me and you because I was trying to convince him to come talk to you, her to calm him down when we fetched him from the bottom of the mountain."
"Leave him with me for now," she decides. "I'll see if I can't get some sense out of him."
"Okay," says Chelsa agreeably. "...He does kindle exactly like Corona. And I've heard Jony muttering about going to bring up his grandchildren with his daughter gone, if crowding is a concern."
Hint hint new live-in friend hint hint.
Hint hint new live-in friend hint hint.
Aelise contemplates the shivering bundle in Sandre's arms.
"Anneia, could you go and get our new friend a blanket and maybe a new pair of pants?"
"Anneia, could you go and get our new friend a blanket and maybe a new pair of pants?"
Aelise closes the latest report from the orbital ring, gets out from behind her desk, and pulls up the other comfy chair next to the one Sandre and Harley are occupying.
"Hey, you," she says gently. "I don't think we've been introduced."
"Hey, you," she says gently. "I don't think we've been introduced."
"I want to help you, but I can't do that unless I know what's wrong," she says patiently.