Chelsa has just finished the morning announcements. She loves doing the morning announcements; it's like piping hot coffee, the rise in the world's warmth. Most of it is for Aelise, of course, but Chelsa gets her own share, and of course she's not selfish, everyone loves their neighbors too. Everyone gets along so well.
She is on her way from the broadcasting studio where she does her announcements to the living quarters where she keeps her dearest friends. She makes sure to pay them plenty of attention. They watch the announcements - everyone does, unless they are doing some sort of emergency work right at that moment, and then they're caught up as soon as possible with the next installment - but they're kept closer and need more fine detail work to stay happy with her. It is terribly important that they be happy with her.
She is on her way from the broadcasting studio where she does her announcements to the living quarters where she keeps her dearest friends. She makes sure to pay them plenty of attention. They watch the announcements - everyone does, unless they are doing some sort of emergency work right at that moment, and then they're caught up as soon as possible with the next installment - but they're kept closer and need more fine detail work to stay happy with her. It is terribly important that they be happy with her.
"I don't know exactly," murmurs Corona, hugging her some more. "I know he doesn't have scars like I do. I think he's scared to say anything about where he came from but I don't know why. But - he looks like he could be my twin, and Sandre says he's all the same inside except for the scars and being a teenager, and Chelsa says he kindles the same. It's almost like somebody - I don't know, cloned me and raised the clone somewhere in secret like that story with Zeus and the goat."
(Harley starts crying again.)
(Harley starts crying again.)
"Is Aelise worried? I'd expect her to be worried if someone's raising baby Gifted someplace where they don't get kindled on the regular. That's what she put a stop to."
Kindling comes in flavors. Chelsa gets warm personal affection. Aelise gets the awe due a world ruler. Tima's tone of voice is appropriate for this distinction.
Kindling comes in flavors. Chelsa gets warm personal affection. Aelise gets the awe due a world ruler. Tima's tone of voice is appropriate for this distinction.