She is on her way from the broadcasting studio where she does her announcements to the living quarters where she keeps her dearest friends. She makes sure to pay them plenty of attention. They watch the announcements - everyone does, unless they are doing some sort of emergency work right at that moment, and then they're caught up as soon as possible with the next installment - but they're kept closer and need more fine detail work to stay happy with her. It is terribly important that they be happy with her.
Chelsa hopes Corona gets back soon, too. When he is expected, she can be found pacing at the entrance to the Mont Blanc stronghold.
Hugs hugs hugs! "Hello! I'm so glad to see you," coos Chelsa. "And there's a surprise for you, too."
Chelsa beams and shows him to his room, where Harley has been stashed. "Harley," she sings. "Corona is home."
"He's having trouble adjusting. We're not sure where he came from," explains Chelsa. "He just appeared. He didn't even know who me or Aelise were. She hasn't been able to convince him to tell her anything much, yet."
"It seemed like the best place. Haaaar-leeeey," sings Chelsa, tugging at the blanket. "Come on out."
"He's so much like you," beams Chelsa. "Not just the face, but he sounds the same - including when he jumped off the mountain - and he kindles just like you do." She pets Harley's hair.
Thank goodness for Kers. He can try to bite her hand all he likes. "And," she says, frowning, "he has some antisocial habits he picked up wherever he's from."
Chelsa waits patiently for the release of her hand. "Anyway, it seemed like you should meet. Harley, this is Corona!"
"You love me," sings Chelsa, fluttering her hands through the air. Twin suns, lovely twin suns.
"I'm sure you'd have a much better time of it here if you tried to be nice," says Chelsa. "I think I'll let you two get to know each other, how does that sound?" And she goes off to see which of her friends is most in need of company; she kisses Corona on her way out.