"Not diseased, just - okay, I have a sister, but she was magically created including everybody's memories about her a few months ago, and the spell doesn't seem to spread world to world all by itself but it can piggyback on people, so it got the whole Jarvis network. I wished everyone in Sunshine nontransmitting - and I was anyway, I was immune to the original spell, my sister-memories are a deliberate fork-and-merge - and now here too, because I don't think everyone who fails to remember Soph wants to start doing it just from the wrong Sherlock or Tony walking into a Bellparty."
"Yep. Named Soph, dating my Tony, plays checkers with my demonic minions on Mercury, incredibly tacky taste in jewelry."
"Yeah, I sort of accidentally inherited them after killing their previous goddess when I stalked through her vacated house in full aura. They do my palatial gardening and keep forgetting that I prefer 'your majesty' to 'your flammableness' and occasionally give me consequence on diplomatic excursions. I have asked them several times if they wouldn't rather go live off by themselves, but they are adamant that they have to be somebody's minions and I'm handy."
[Hey, Darcy, me and Juliet are in the world; Jane's down so we're harder to call in another time if you need anything, so, while we're here, do you need anything?]
"Yeah, I think so. I'm glad you're okay, Iron Man, Pepper, Jarvis," Juliet adds over her shoulder.
(Aura!) Door! Shell Bell doesn't have a Jarvis at home; she could ask but she doesn't think to when she can do it herself. She conjures up an ansible, twists off half, as an afterthought makes enough to put other halves in all the other Jarvised worlds and twists them apart too. "There you go, we'll install the others on our rounds," she says.
How about Apollo next? She lets Juliet in first to quarantine the place.
Which Juliet does. [Hey guys, here to restore connection to Yggdrasil,] she adds, to Jarvis and the local Tony and Sherlock.
[Yep. Do you need anything else as long as we're here or are things running smoothly by you?]
Shell Bell's the one actually holding the ansible-halves; she pops to where Tony is and offers it to him.
"You're welcome!" Random hug. And she rejoins Juliet. And off they go to Helios.
Rainbow time.