Val's interview with James goes well; Bella starts calling her Ambassador, but only when she feels like getting laughed at. Other ambassadors accumulate. There's always work to do, and when it becomes wearying there's always people to love. Bella doesn't sleep. Sleep is boring.
She has a crown now, which pleases the minions to no end, though she doesn't usually wear it when she's not on Mercury. It's simple, just a ring that comes to a peak over her forehead, made of glossy indigo metal that matches her Jane-necklace. It attracts flames when she auras.
Here she is, not-sleeping with two minions, Soph, and Monopoly. When it's not her turn she is reading up on the cultural practices of the Kknrr demons.
Shell Bell kisses Sherlock goodbye, and then she pops to where Juliet has doored in, and follows her out, and she flares aura - nearby humidity arranges itself rainbowlike - and opens the door again, thinking of Yggdrasil.
"Let me," Juliet says, blocking Shell Bell, "all the Jarvised worlds are sorta infected with some magic you don't want, I'm safe but you don't have opacity." She steps through first, spends the star. "Okay, contagiousness averted. We should hit the others as long as we're together, but first things first." [Iron Man?]
"You're gonna have to tell me what kinda magic," says Shell Bell, stepping through too. They're on Asgard, not the Malibu house. She hopes the Malibu house is just devoid of doors and not, like, server racks.
[We came in on Asgard. Sunshine Jarvises said you lost connectivity and something about a missile? Are you guys okay?]
[Yeah, I expected the door to get me your house,] says Shell Bell, [are there not currently doors in your house?]
[And we should definitely replace the house while we're here, if only because then I can open a door in it and your Jarvis will know how to make more doors,] says Shell Bell.
"Torching for Pepper, check," says Juliet, waving a hand, while Shell Bell seeks an appropriate door. "Anyone else?"
"Are you sure? It's much more inconvenient and expensive to retrieve people who get as far as Downside with Jane out. I had to make a trip a couple months ago."
Shell Bell, meanwhile, flares aura - magicmagicmagic! - and doors to Milliways. "Got it, Jarvis?" she asks.
"Fascinating," Jarvis remarks. The door closes. The door opens. The door closes again. "Everything seems to be in order."